The pulrose ofcasing pipes In oil drilling steel pipe used to transmit the rotation ofrock cutting tool for mounting ofthe borehoie \,valls during ddlling and operation, to tansport oil to the surface, and for other purposes.
O 324 nm1.
O 245 mm1′
@ 219 mm1′
GOST 632-80 casing, group D, OTTG
A 245 mril:
According to the threaded “Batress”
Perhaps the production ofpipes according ro API-sL PSL I, EN 10210, EN 10297.
o 8′ 10″ 11^ 12″ 13’14”
As pipes are manufactured according to EN 10210,10297:
@ 219,1×6,3-40,244,5x’7 ,l -45,2’73×7 ,l -45, 323,9×8-45, 3 55,6×8,8-32mm
The average lenglh ofpipes produced is 10.5-l1.5 m
Casing pipes are threaded on pipe cutting machines ofthe firm ” Heid “
Use the cutting tool offirm ” Cetatizit “
The pipes are made ofrolled blanks for pipe installation with machine mill <400>.
Pipes are supplied in packs of 4 pipe connected in four places tape.
For additio[al cost isl
– calibmtion ofthe ends ofpipes on press”Lais”;
– 1000/o hidropressing pipes in hidropress;
– coating ofwater-based paint or bitumen-polymer vamish;
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